Special Notification from the ORO Sewer Task Force
The Sewer Task Force and ORO Maintenance staff will begin smoke testing all sewer lines within our park on February 16-18, 2021. This process is being conducted between the hours of 8:00am through 4:00pm, and involves opening many of the manholes in the park and pumping a smoke product into the sewers. This smoke is manufactured specifically for this purpose, has a distinctive odor, but it is not unpleasant. It is not harmful to people, plants, or animals, and it leaves no residuals or stains. Visibility and odor last only a few minutes, where there is adequate ventilation.
All residents are advised that if traces of this smoke or its odor enter your unit, it is an indication that gases and odors from the sewer also may enter. These can be both unpleasant and dangerous, as well as a health risk to the occupants. Should smoke enter your home, we ask that you contact a member of the smoke testing crew working in your area, or call the ORO Office. Correcting the source of the smoke that enters your unit is the owner’s responsibility and is urgently advised.
You may also notice smoke coming from sewer vents, gutters, lift stations, other manholes, vent pipes, or from the ground along the sewer lines. Staff will be on site to identify locations where smoke is being emitted, and will mark these locations for future inspection.
This important program will help decrease the inflow and infiltration into the wastewater system, which will reduce the risk of wastewater overflows and lower the cost of unneeded groundwater and storm water treatment. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and we will make every effort to minimize the inconvenience or disruptions this procedure may cause.